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Entries Thursday, April 30, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Nowadays when i woke up in the morning, always felt that i have not enough sleep... *points finger at dota* Today morning felt super tired and woke up to sleep again, redid this process til 7 a.m plus and bath and etc, etc, etc before heading to school. Today was... oh crap! i can't remember what i did in the morning! Holy gosh! i'm getting senile at age 17... *rethinks*... *rethinks harder* Oh, i remember! today there's only drawing lesson, no wonder i couldn't remember. Did sketches and drawings of hand poses and that pretty much was all. Took bus 135 with DoM and Xavier to Serangoon after school out. Part our ways with Xavier at Serangoon mrt station and both of us went to Dhoby Ghuat to Plaza Singapura. Lots of pretty mei meis at Plaza Sing when we went there *drools*, went to look at Guitars, Games and stuffs. After DoM bought his Red Alert 3, was gonna catch a movie but there's nothing nice to watch so we went to Bugis to look for Jerome and Jun Jie. Arrived at Bugis, went to tour around Kunikoniya before looking at figurines then went to food juntion to wait for them. Took them around half the day to get there, DoM and i waited til we were about to rot... before they finally came.. So they ate there and i didn't bought any food to consume because i was busy looking at girls... ops, i just let my secret out.. Went home after that, home is always boring as usual. Got home, bath and stuffs... watch afew random channels before printing out Harpie's Lady's sketch to color. Coloring was done by me, abit out of tune... but oh well. Sketch was done by someone at deviantart. Credits should go to him. Dota again... it's always dota, isn't it? Haiya... i'm really starting to get bored of dota. Now i'm not sure if i have the preservance to learn guitar... or get myself a gaming desktop... Jay Wednesday, April 29, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Yesterday looked at the time table and saw that school starts at 8, set alarm to 6 a.m then today woke up at 6.30 a.m to bath and do my stuffs. Decided to take another look at the time table, this time i saw clearly that it stated 9 a.m then school starts.... lol, must have played too much yesterday. I'm famous for always going to school late, no surprise. late as always. Basketball for morning lessons. After that went to have lunch. Today's menu conclude of sand noodles... ops, i meant prawn noodles :) ADP was... nooo... not again?, yes it was... dota. There's been nothing to do since we haven't brought our project materials so the whole lesson was so slack. *Yawns* At the end of school, stayed back with friends to dota awhile, before walking with DoM to Peya Lebar mrt station. Back home played BlackShot with DoM 1v1, needless to say, lost but did my best out there. After that... hiya, more dota again. Sign, today's not the best day i wanted, anyway... Not much to write about today equals nothing interesting happened... so yea... Jay Tuesday, April 28, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Slept in like a log yesterday, woke up late and watched only one Faiz episode, was later inform by Nic that Meeting session has been cancelled as well so there's only ADP lesson for today which starts at 2. For the rest of the hours played dota with DoM and Jun Jie til 1.20+ and made my way to school, at that time it was raining heavily so i got no choice but to take transport to the station instead. Was late by afew minutes when i got to school and first thing i saw what my friends were doing, were dotaing... omg, not dota again!?!? Most of them were not doing their project reserching, and we didn't too because our member, DoM haven came to class yet. Slacked for a couple of minutes before going down for lunch with Jun Jie and Jerome and was later joined by Nic. Saw a girl that i like who applyed black liner on her eyes, but she was followed by two guys everywhere she go, had no chance to get her number :(... anyway i didn't dare to LOL. Ah ah, today was too slacky, no lesson, no nothing...except dota... sigh... too much dota has made me sick. Was given a game cd by Randy, BlackShot which is garena supported. Took it and decided to give it a go. After school ends, went with DoM again to World of JJ but this time at Paya Lebar. Stayed there for near 30-40 minutes before i actually dared to offered the price for weekly jump Red Demons Dragon which was actually for DoM. In the end, DoM got the RDD and we went home by flying... of course by train lol. Took my time to walk home and tryed to install BlackShot onto my sister's computer, The installer itself was super lag, so i assumed that the game itself would lag terribly but hey hey, to my surprise it work wonders without any lag or sort. Night dota again with DoM, Jun Jie and Jerome before typing this post and after this i'm gonna shoot some guys and gals in BS! Just you try and stop me! Wakakakaka! Jay Monday, April 27, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Woke up pretty late today, must be because of yesterday. Dota til 1.30 a.m then rest for the day. Did everything i needed to do and took my file and went to school. As always mrt is always crowded with people in the morning, managed to find my usual standing spot and camp there til Paya Lebar. Okay, first up was drawing lesson, Tracy didn't came for class today so it's a pretty slack off session today. First thing i was asked to do was to pose for the guys to sketch, stood there for 10 minutes, wait.. i think it's more then that, it feels like 10 years in the slumber, lol. In the end, passed all three of my previous assignments to Tracy, and i'm glad that i own her no more. Meh, Lunch was pork cutlet with fried rice today and went up for afew game of ygo before journing to ADP. Oh noes! i got bad news for you guys... no.. it's bad news for me! The air conditioner in the lab was still not fixed! Holy moly, it's so so so heaty in the lab! Imagine Singapore's usual fiery tempreture plus a bonus, no air conditioner, cramped and stuffy gives you... heatstroke! now thats something i wouldn't like to experience. But lucky there are still mobile fans placed in corners of the lab if not we'll really be stuffed to death. I have good news and bad news for myself, myself lol. Let's start with the bad news, shall we? Vince just issued yet another project, ah wait wait, heres where the good news fits in. It's finally a group project again! yahoo! Group projects are really fun in my previous and first group. So i was supposed to be picked up by Su Huo's team but unfortunately Jun Jie decided to switched to theirs instead of DoM and Jerome. No choice, was pick up by them instead, don't get me wrong, i don't mind joining their team. Here comes the fun part. We decided on our group name, and each came out with offensive names instead of funny ones, lol. Here goes: Jerome: NehNehPok DoM: Baun tiao (meat stick in hokkien) Me: Legacy of Bapok (LoB) None of the above works, in the end decided that it will be called Delta, Delta means three and coincidencely we are a team of three, so it fits. Another reason i choose Delta was bacause of.... Kamen Rider Delta! bang bang! Went with the theme of world end and got approved so all there is left to do is to think of the materials that we are gonna use. School ends, went with DoM and his friend, Si Jie to Eunos World of JJ. Si Jie bought a box of Yusei Duelist pack and gotten four foils within. No Stardust or Tuning Supporter, was tempted by the storekeeper to try one more box, so they did! This time they really got both Stardust and Tuning Supporter! Congratulations! Was gonna get a pack of Gundam Wars filled with girls, but instead found something more interesting. It was Queen's Blade the Duel Starter Decks! Got addicted into the pink one which was Ymir, so was DoM but theres only one left. In the end i gotten Ymir and DoM got the Nanael. Borrowed from DoM money just to get the deck, mine was filled mostly with lolita while DoM was filled with lots of ecchi cards. In the end, DoM atmed three times in a row today, lol. Home was always dota before blogging and ending the day. Yet another good news! tomorrow's theres no LDP lesson! YESHA! can sleep in later and enjoy some free time alone! Jay Sunday, April 26, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Massive hair loss in the morning... woke up to find many strands of hair on my pillow... what the fudge? what in the world happened to my hair while i was sleeping? *depressed, early hair loss, sob* Anyways, was determined to finish my assignment today but as always a match of dota a day keeps you active. So played afew rounds before having breakfast and joined by Jun Jie for last game in the morning. Reserched afew database about ygo, planned to make a new deck. But then again, second though about the super ridiculous prices of cardboard cards now adays, maybe next time when i'm ten times richer then now :p Checked the info on sd 17 again to confirm the cards, saw the official sd poster and i'm really happy that common dark bribe is really, really coming out. Konami really knows how to make business. First was game promo then they released it in a sd. Way to go, Konami! ![]() Evidence of common dark bribe! Rock out with Guitar Hero for afew minutes, neck cramped lol! Then finally decided to do my final assignment, i was surprised that i finished it within one hour including the shading. Wowzers, i'm good :p After numourous days inside the bath, of course i'm exegerating. i liked to spent long hours in the bathroom doing nothing lolol. Not long before i was back on the computer to once again... it's time to due.... dota! Ah, so my weekend for this week was spented like that... to sum it up, it's still rather.. not exciting or... i don't know.. it's just that i feel that i'm missing some things. Oh well, i'll realised it soon enough. Jay Saturday, April 25, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." What a day it was yesterday! played dota til 1 a.m. Slept rather late and woke up at around 10 a.m to dota again. Tried many scourge heroes today and most was rather epic, went on like this til the afternoon and was later joined by Jun Jie and Jerome. At night, went for alittle break before playing, break means Guitar Hero! woots. Played afew songs on hard mode, and wow, i have improved quite alot! needless to say after rocking, my hands were cramped... Did fast shading of the sculptrue i did in school, and it was all done within 30 minutes. Now i'm left with one more assignment before i can go carefree~ ow, i meant free. Sad to said that yet again i didn't visited M.M today, and not even a Faiz and Decade series for the past few days because of... er... work? No school equals less things to talked about, lol. Jay Friday, April 24, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Woke up yesterday at midnight suddenly got the urge to vomit, i dunnoe maybe it's because i played too much Guitar Hero then got headache. Anyway managed to supress the urge and continue to sleep, LOL. Woke up again at 7 a.m, to play Guitar Hero on Tour! did alittle bit of work after that but did not managed to complete in time. So i guess i shall head to school then. School started 30 minutes later then usual, canteen was filled with peoples early morning, found my classmates and joined them, most of them were still doing their ADP project, but i'm just lazy to take it out. :/ So for the rest of the ADP project continued to do my project and while i was doing, my friends who have completed were enjoying themselves in one corner. Saded :(. Overall managed to complete the project within the time, now i have one less worry to care about. Two hours break again! a group of us yet again went to Mcdonalds to have our lunch. Talked about funny drama series and laughed a good one there. The remaining one hour was spented at World of JJ, they were playing ygo while i was rocking myself out with Guitar Hero! LOL! Ah, drawing lessons! now i can say i don't hate it anymore. it's enjoyable now that i have talked with Tracy. Drawed the same human sculptrue again and didn't managed to complete the drawing because i was once again rocking myself out with Guitar Hero! waahooo! So promised Tracy that i'll be handing in two assignments on monday, talked about rushing. Home was rocking out myself again, shortly after that was dotaing with DoM, and later was joined by Jerome and Jun Jie for more dota action. played til quite late, even when i'm blogging now, we are still playing lol. Didn't have time for M.M today, awww... too much rock out action for me today. Jay Thursday, April 23, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Lawls, school started early today and as promised, went to drawing lesson. Drawed different poses of human sculptrue and that was mostly it for four hours. After class ends, went with DoM to Clark Quay in search of Kunikoniya. After nearly 40 minutes of sunbathing, we managed to find Liang Count, talked about getting lost lol. So went to Kunikoniya in search of Black Rose promo guide and after wandering around the whole store, managed to found the section for it. The staff who served us actually played or collect ygo, so it's much more easier to communicate then others. After that helped Xavier to collect his issues of Megumi and as told, scrumbled them into the magazine section then ran off with DoM. Final trip was going to East Point to check out some games. In the end, brought Guitar Hero on Tour for $59. Rushed back to tryed it out lol. Woots, tryed it out and didn't regret buying it one bit. In fact played until suffered from hand and muscle cramp, before doing my ADP assignment. Gosh, it's still not completed yet.. tomorrow's the deadline. Pray Vince is on sick leave tomorrow. Prays Prays Prays, Amen. Time to rock on with Guitar Hero! Jay Wednesday, April 22, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Nothing interesting happened in school or anything elsewhere today. Morning lesson for todays was...er ...physical education?...no that sounds off. Anyway it was something like it, not just like it, exactly like it. lol Okays. Went for basketball during the lesson, and oww.. got tackled many times. They all said that i catch the ball in a comedy way, always flying out of my reach. Still it was enjoyable, in our group of sports. Yahoo! Vince didn't came for ADP yet again. Without much to say, it's a free lesson again! Did alittle tiny bit of work before getting distracted by Dota. No need to guess, i dotaed all the way til school out. Not much acomplised. Went home, decided to concetrated on my work but argh... distracted by Dota again. AHHH, played til late night and nothing was completed. Gonna get it from teachers soon. Awww, something sad happened in ps today, i accidently recycled the poster that i just bought and it cost so much... wanted to cry so badly TT. Orh wells, what done is done. Only method is to save up again ><. Jay Tuesday, April 21, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Well, woke up early today and surprise, it was pouring outside. So decided to sleep in abit. Had no time for M.M this morning, school starts at 9, preparation complete and off i went. Morning lessons was... boring as always. sat in the chair for 3 hours staring at no where. Yaya, so 3 hours of boredom went by, went to duel at the canteen. Specking of which, gotten two cards today cheaply, one of which is Dark Dive Bomber. Final tech card in any otk decks. i have a feeling that Konami is raising the ban hammer on it! Didn't wanted to attend teacher's contact at first, but mood was suppressed by getting DDB. Followed the rest into the lesson, not a lesson but more like a meeting. Ahhhh, was called up by the new teacher and well... i wouldn't want to spill anything because this is between me and her. i have misunderstanded her and yeas.. she's actually quite concerned about us, students. *regrets misunderstanding her* *bangs wall*. ADP! Vince is on sick leave again.. no! orh wells, another period to slack lols lols. After hours of slacking, yet again went to hang out at jj. Finally, DoM gotten his box of Ancient Prophecy and Aslla piscu from friend, Jian Cai and wow, there was quite a crowd at noon. Lots of school out peps came to hangout at jj, came to release stress and ermmm... money as well LOL! Stayed with Xavier til 7.13, went home with Terry whom i got to known each other in jj afew months back. Talked about the current meta in the train and soon after was having dinner outside. What a day! lol Played with M.M awhile before finally blogging today's post. sigh, got to complete both ADP and drawing assignments, which i'm the only one who never handed in, in three days, yet got to rush myself again. No time for any faiz today too, awwwwy. Jay Monday, April 20, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." ![]() Woke up today, yet without failure to ps! Didn't went to morning lessons, played with M.M, bought new furnitures and stuffs, then continued to watched Faiz, it's getting exciting already! though i watched it afew years back. Delta's power is mine! now i can rule the world, wahahaha! *coughs* ... too much... New weekly items is released in ps today, and woah there's some pretty stuffs that are catching my eyes. Too bad i spented today and couldn't get my hands on them. Ahh, it feels great to skip lessons some times, went to school in the afternoon, just for ADP. Yes, i still enjoy this lesson much more then drawing. I wonder what excusses i'll scoop out to account for my attendance in the morning... hmm... no one bothers, so why should i! lols! Flew to jj after school ends, yes, flew. Friends gathered to whack booster: Ancient Prophecy, and got quite alot of foils out of them. Congratulation! Didn't bought any myself, but bought 2 singles at 5 each today from Xavier and DoM, both gotten from Ancient Prophecy. Went home and didn't have the mood to do my asignments, awww why am i so moody everytime? anyways watched more faiz and researched some card's database around the net. This pretty much concludes my day. Damn. Why is my life so boring like this! it feels too repeative. Got to accomplished something before this world ends in 3 more years. it's true.. i know. Jay Sunday, April 19, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." ![]() Yes! another day of peace and quiet. As always, slept well yesterday... woke up to... oh my gosh, Pet Society! nonono, my addiction is worsening LOL. This time it's not just the entire afternoon but the entire day of psing. Added a bunch of friends on facebook, coins coins coins! *drools*, spented alot of coins today, didn't get anything decent in GMB and choco eggs. GMB: Beech Floors Boards, Red Blossoms. Choco eggs: 2x Baby Chick Toys, 2x Baby Hedgehog Toys. Been keeping M.M filthy all day, not a single bath... just for the golden poo, but it's giving me brown poo all day long :(. Patient and luck is the only ways to obtain it, i guess? i will have you one day! golden poo.. just you wait! M.M ranked up twice today, from 17 to 19. But M.M's house doesn't seem to have much furniture in it.. have been greedy on weekly items and GMBS LOL. Finally got a gold award for frisbee, after numourous attempts. Not in the mood for school's work today but still have to do it. Wouldn't want to disappoint other teachers, besides one. As planned, i'll be missing drawing lesson for tomorrow, needed to cool off about the new teacher. Seems the authority had hired teachers as their henchmens, catching student for their hairs and attires. The fact still remains, i won't let them touch even a strand of my hair even if it means school termination. Aw, will be facing another awful day tomorrow, weekdays are always sad for me. Jay Saturday, April 18, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Woots, Saturday means no school, no school means no unhappiness, no unhappiness means happy! Yea! Finally a day without having to get unhappy with school's business. Slept well yesterday, woke up today morning..first thing i did was to get on to Pet Society! woohoo! Got addicted into this by my twin sisters. I thought it was cute so i tryed it out and oh my gosh, couldn't stop playing. Say hellos to my pet, M.M. ![]() aw, M.M waves back, kawaii! Played PS for the entire afternoon, told you i couldn't resist the cuteness lol. So i didn't did any of the school's assignment until late night, not completed but whatever. Changed of template thanks to my sister for helping me to encode the codes. Couldn't really understand, too messy, many codes and stuffs. But thanks to her, now i have a comfortable layout i can blog with. PS FTW! Jay Friday, April 17, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." I noticed that everyday i come back from school, i'm always unhappy about something, holiday was better because i'm much more happier then now. So here we go again, more of my ranting. Ok.. so let me start it off by morning lesson, came to school normally and came abit, just abit late. So not much happened in the first lesson, was happily chatting around and playing with cards, Vince didn't mind though because it was near the end of lesson. So this concludes morning lesson ends. Woot! two hours break, although it would be school out if it was for the past timetable. But whatever! So a group of us went to the infamous Mcdonalds to have lunch and played afew rounds of you know what. After that we decided to give up our seats to the other customers, ain't we kind? LOL, yea right just wanted to go to world of jj to see boosters so off we go. Played for around one hour and left for afternoon lesson, although i was thinking of not going, damn right i shouldn't... so in the end i regreted going. So this is where the ranting begins. From here onwards i'll use harsh words. peace. Certain someone commented on my attire today, obviously it's the new teacher, i wouldn't want to reveal the name because i don't wanna get sued yet. So yes, just one sentence could ruin my whole day. i didn't quite remember what annoymous say cos i wouldn't even want to remember. But annoymous told me to go trim my precious hair or something, and commented on my wear etc etc. Oh this isn't what made me annoyed, if annoymous speaks to me nicely i would glady listen, but hell no. You wanna know how the tone was like? The tone annoymous used was rather harsh and crude, maybe it's just me but i felt offended and i felt like ignoring what annoymous said. But no, it was too late just one of that sentence pisses my whole day off. Then s/he told my other friend about the hair thing nicely, i was like wth, to make it harsher, wtf. Is s/he baised or what? One more thing i hate about annoymous is that s/he commented alot of harsh things on people's art piece. Seriously we all as a class respect you as a teacher, but damn... you just shoot your mouth off like no one's business. Think about other people's feeling before brainlessly shooting out utterless crap to annoyed others. As expected, drawing lessons sux for the worst, s/he made me developed hatred for this lesson. i wouldn't want to do this, but i'll be missing annoymous lesson for the time being, s/he also happy, no need to see my annoyed face now and then. i regreted abusing my formal teacher, sadly i abused his rule and yea... he was a nice teacher, in fact very nice. Things just turns out like that, when things are still around, you don't appreciate them until they are gone and you start regreting.. Come to think of it, i have written quite alot of stuffs today, so i will end the day will this post. i might not survive ITE's life much longer though. Jay Thursday, April 16, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Well, today lesson started late so went to continue watching the faiz series that i was rewatching on. Going to school at 1 to 5 may seem harmless, but actually it's god damn boring, wasted four hours of my precious life today in the lesson, not that i can spend it well but definitely better then sitting around and staring at the sculpture. To top it off, no talking... wth, what stage are we in now? elementary school? even secondary doesn't does this. They don't have the right to take our freedom of speech away, come on dude... this is seriously over the line. Oh, wth bbq, tomorrow's there's a three hour session of drawin lesson again, Now i hate drawing lessons, it's the worst! Lot's of people are telling me they regret choosing this course, i have nothing to say but to agree with them, money issues is posing a very big threat in this course. I mean look, every time there's a new project, we'll offen spend on the materials ourselves. That doesn't seem like a big problem, right? but here's the issues, how long do you think a single new project is given? a month or two? hella, i wish! Once every project is complete, there will be a new one to take over so it's easy to see how fast this course is feeding on money not to mention big time consuming. It's not that i like to complain alot, but this is the truth that i would like to point out. So you may ask, if have so much issues with the course, why don't i just quit and join another? The answer to that is simple, i have grown used to the friends i am studying with, not all but mostly they are important to me. I would like to stay on with them if i could.. yea.. if i could.. Overall, ITE's life < Sleep. Jay Wednesday, April 15, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Not gonna talk about anything in school because it's super boring since i'm now in a game of hide & seek with the inspectors. You'll never catch me! Today matchup at world of jj located at east point. Psychic v.s M.M 3 wins 1 loss E-Heros v.s M.M 2 wins 0 loss There's really nothing much to write about today. Cos the world is so repeative, boring.. Jay Tuesday, April 14, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Oh my god, i can't state how much hatred now i have for the course i'm studying in right now. First was a changed of teachers and setting up a couple of new rules, which was outrageous to the climax, i mean come on...... gesh... Secondly, there's gonna be inspectors going around catching students with INPROPER attire. i can't stressed how much i hate these kind of inspection nonsense, i have even been pointed out by teachers that i'm the obvious one to get caught... INPROPER attire 1. No ridiculous hair dyes/highlight. (tick) 2. No long hair for guys. (tick) 3. No long fingernails, rings and bracelets etc etc. (tick) 4. No wearing of anything beside school uniform. (tick) So i got 4 points in total, that isn't so bad..... wait a moment.... Dude, i scored full marks for the INPROPER attire crap. Now i'm bound to get caught.. wth. Let me break it down. No hair dyes or highlight? those outrageous colors like green+purple+pink+blue i wouldn't object but mine is like only semi gold bronze highlight and you won't even let me keep them? Teachers say they treat us like young adults, yea more like young kids. Long hair for guys, come on! it's my dream to have long hair and can't i even keep it for two years? What's wrong with guys having long hair? gays?, hell no. Why can other country's school don't even give a crap about student's hair be it guys or girls while Singapore inspects us like... gosh... this totaly sux. i shall skip the last two as my only concern for hair has more priority. The worst to happen is i kenna caught and ban from school until i cut my hair, highlight back to black. Haha, dream on cause thats not going to happen, i don't care if i'm ban from school, course is starting to get really tight, free times, money issues, etc etc. Like i said, my hair has more priority. But still ITE's life is really starting to stink. Had to vent my anger here, peace. Jay Monday, April 13, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Today was the day i finally went back to school, and i didn't like it one bit. No personal reasons, just that i don't like seeing teacher's faces. Today was another new begining for me and didn't did any work or sort beside playing cards here and there, yea so a total waste of time since there's no lessons today. Today's showdown consists of the following: Burn v.s M.M Challenge Xavier today and got trashed badly, lol. Turbo burn got my life too fast, can't do anything besides solemning which kills me faster, lolol. Got addicted into a new anime trading game today called Weib Schwarz, introduced by Xavier. It's fun, except that there are quite afew things to learn before playing, but will gradually get used to it. After school ends (yays!), DOM, Jerome, Jun Jie and i went to World of JJ at Peya Lebar Mrt Station. No one was actually buying anything at first. But after minutes of looking around at the boosters, DOM decide to whack the ygo anniversary pack and gotten a dark magician girl in it. Soon most of us are tempted to get that too, especially me, (come on, it's dark magaician girl!). So i finally got pursued and got myself one pack. And surprise! first card was dark magicial girl! YATTA! omg i can't express how happy i was back there. In the end, we scooped 6 dmg in total and i don't think there's gonna be more in the leftovers. [Credits should go to Jun Jie for choosing the pack for me.] Dark Magician Girl, i <3 you! ![]() Jay Sunday, April 12, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Aw crap, tomorrow there's school to attend. But it is cetainly better then being locked up at home doing basically nothing but the same thing over and over for the whole of three week. Today i spended my day pretty well overall but not to the fullest. Woke up to continue the drawing assignment, after that went to duel at White Sands with my friends, Jian Cai and Alex. Oh oh, and collected my harpie queen <3. Today showdown consists of two different decks. Jian Cai & Alex's were Fairy/Angel deck while mine was M.M deck (Macro Monarch). Basically it's Fairy v.s M.M. After getting home, continue to finish up the drawing, yea, it wasn't done when i left. While doing, switched on the tv for Superstar action! ... but aw, the girl i liked didn't make it into the finals :(. So watched the whole broadcast and managed to complete my work just in the nick of time which tomorrow's the deadline LOL. Harpie Queen <3 ![]() Jay Saturday, April 11, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Nothing really happened much today. As always like normal, wake up, breakfast, slack, more slacking, lunch, even more slacking then finally i did my assignment but it was not near completion. Got to finish it up tomorrow but yea, was also gonna get my harpie queen tomorrow. can't wait *nose bleeds* LOL. Finally, one more day before this boundary ends! Jay Friday, April 10, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Today was 11 April and yet it was another fabulous boring day. Well, was mostly surfing the net and i found this awfully pratical joke thread about Yu-Gi-Oh titled: "The Most Ridiculously Unbelievable Things Judges Have Ever Seen A Player Do" so heres one i picked up. Kid1: Draw phase I activate pot of greed, then activate pot of greed, then activate pot of greed, then summon Obelisk. kid2: No, dude, that's cheating kid1: No, I'm so awesome I can do whatever I want, my mommy told me so. kid2: JUDGE! i lol'ed. After hours of groofing around in the net, i suddenly realised that i haven't done my assignment yet for the entire holiday, yes i'm a slacker. So i proceed to find references on the net and after getting pissed off by the image they were showing me. i decided to sketch the blocks outside the windows. But before even picking up my drawing board, i decided to went back to groofing in the net, LOL. So the end results were like these Internet +1 Assignments -1 Meh. i <3 cheesecakes. Jay Thursday, April 9, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Wow, i didn't know having a holiday could be so boring. Let me summarise what i did in the whole of 3 weeks. Nothing, yes, nothing is what i achieved in this pointless holiday. The 1st week was a treat, sorethroat for a week combo with a fever, yea the whole of a week dying in bed. But but i'm glad that in 3 days i would be back in school, which i hate. LOL. Cheers! Jay ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." With much time in my hand. I'll officially start blogging again once more. Although i pretty much left the previous to die/rot, LOL. Here comes the introduction again, yes.. again. Don't worry it'll be short and sweet. Name: Jay Age: 16 Hobbys: Nil (soon to come) Occupation: Student Likes: Girls (Local, Japanese and taiwanese are hot LOL), Nekos Dislikes: Vulgarities, Teachers (especially the ones in my school) Cheers! oh, i like pie <3 Jay ImageMango of TTEHQ. Site content_layout © by Jay.