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The Truth
Hatsune Miku Fan
Music Devouter
Fade Aways
Jun Jie
Liang Ying
Su Hau
Shi Jie
Wei Jie

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April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
HTML Coding


Sunday, May 31, 2009

"Keep looking forward.."
"All the merries and sadness.. "
"Embrace them til death finds you."

Awww.. last day of the month :(
This month feels slower then usual.
But honestly..
i felt much happier and much more joyous thing has happened to me compared to the previous month.
Maybe it's that i have gained trusted friends..
OR maybe the slowness was cause by overwork and exam pressure!

Well, lets get on to my life.
you know how my weekends were usually boring?
today was no exception.
Since tomorrow there will be an exam..
i thought that i needed to cool off for it..
instead of studying.. i didn't planned to study at all.
watched some Lucky Star and finished up How i Met Your Mum season 4.
Before i knew it, it was already afternoon.
Then i remembered i had some minor details to edit for my character..
photoshopped along, also did my report on it.

My character design, the prototype before it was coloured.

Final product.
It took me days to finish..
although i know it doesn't look that great..
but it's my first photoshopped image i ever completed.

Then later at night...
i think to myself...
what if i really failed this test or exam or whatever.
Would my grades really be affected?
well, i meant indeed they will... but will it be drastic since i failed my previous test.
Then all of a sudden...
i had the motivation to studied through the slides again.
BUT this time, it's not just going through..
i compared my previous test questions with it and came to conclude which chapters to study and which not.
i slowly read through...
although i got to admit, my eyes really hurt reading this much words.

For the first time, i have noticed that studying isn't that hard after all!
or maybe it's just an time only feeling i'm getting..
well, i did put effort into studying anyway.
The rest is up to myself and a little of luck tomorrow :)

Final word i had to say...
Farewell May..
it was really a joyous month i had.

10:09 PM

Saturday, May 30, 2009

"Keep looking forward.."
"All the merries and sadness.. "
"Embrace them til death finds you."

Slept til 8 today..
even though i did woke up at 6 to off the alarm.
Overworked myself over photoshop..
stared too long into the screen..
too tired..

Anyway, today was Ms Wong's wedding day!
finally after months of waiting!

Gathering venue was at Ms Wong's block void deck at 8.45.
Well well, not only am i known for late not only for school..
but even for gatherings :o
You Sheng and friends called me three times while i was in the bath preparing.
The end, they had to wait only for me..
but they went to the venue first.

Got to the venue over the time given..
lots of people were already there..
not much of our own ex primary classmates.

Waited for awhile before buses came to took us to the church.
There's a total of two to three bus..
We were considered to be the adult group..
Nearly slept during the ride...
was too tired over work...

Church is located at Kampong Bahru Road near Harborfront.
Queued to get into the church once we reached there.
Not exactly queued, but register for seats.
Once i lay my foot in there, i can feel the holy environment of the church!
For 17 years, this is my first time going in to a church!
not to mention it's a wedding!
Straight away took out my phone to snap shots of the environment.

The Church of St Teresa.

First shot i took in church, holy white aura emitting out of nowhere.

Seated down with friends on the holy bench.
Not long before the ceremony begins.

Managed to snap a shot of Rong Fu :)

People started to came in by the big holy entrance door.

Last was finally for the bribe to shine!
*plays music*

Ms Wong looks so pretty in that grown!
Didn't managed to get a good shot because of my poor camera skill :(
At least i have the courage to snap!

Oh my god, look at the amount of people in front!

Seated down to listen to what Father got to recite.
i was surprised i listened to what he was saying..
everything about selfless love.
During the whole 30 minutes of recite.. i estimated :)
Was standing up and down..
was too tired.. kneeled down instead :)
there's still respect, for i am an free thinker!

After the recite.
Finally, the moment i have been waiting for!
the kissing of the Gloom and the Bribe..
caught a tiny glimpse..
too many people blocking :(
there's more reciting after that!

When it's finally over..
we watched as the the newly married couple walked out of the church.

Off topic..
i swear i need a digital camera for events like this!

Final event was photo taking session before food..
gosh, i haven't had breakfast then.

Phototaking session!

Finally, went to ate buffet!
Grab what i can with You Sheng..
mainly the chicken wings..
then second round..
then the third...
oh my god... so hungry!
Oh! i went into the toilet to ate hot chocolate lol!
and i meant those which you dipped with marshmallow.

After that.. congratulated and bid farewell to Ms Wong before going to Vivo City with Rong Fu, Zheng Chong and their friends to look at girls :)

Went there..
looked at girls..
watched them race in the arcade before going back.
Wanted to go to Sentosa to have more look, but had not enough cash to spare :(

Home... what else?

Oh oh..
took a picture of myself on what i'm wearing :)


This one i took it with my mum.
Oh my, my eyes ><

I had a fun day today..
next time if i even get married...
it will surely be in a church...

11:00 PM

Friday, May 29, 2009

"Keep looking forward.."
"All the merries and sadness.. "
"Embrace them til death finds you."

Today was too a busy day.
Went to school "early" morning to get a seat..
Rush photoshop like a madman today!
the details took me like forever to complete...
later on, Si Jie came again to helped us..
he do it like... wow... cake..
i do...
takes half my life away..

Well well, later went with Xavier to Singpost Mac to have lunch.
Five bucks for lunch....
well.. it's worth it, if it's consumable!

After lunch..
Xavier went to Republic Poly..
while i wanted to went home to continue my photoshop there.
But for some odd reasons, i went back to school to do it.
photoshoped til evening before going back home..
still a lot more of details to go...

Went home..
blah blah..

Tomorrow Ms Wong's wedding!
Hooray! finally a day off from work!

11:33 PM

Thursday, May 28, 2009

"Keep looking forward.."
"All the merries and sadness.. "
"Embrace them til death finds you."

Woah, rushed day today is!
Had to keep it short.
Got design to complete :(

spented my time well during it.
Finished my flip-book.

It wasn't that hard after all!

ADP, concentrate like crazy!
Stayed until 8 in the night..
although i stayed for so long..
didn't seem to complete much.. :(

Brought six packets of Hello Panda to filled my empty stomach!
So hungry for these past few days :(

Dinner was brought by Ms Tracy..

Roti Prata!
it was fantastic!
oh, i got to tour around in girl's toilet by chance :)

11:11 PM

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"Keep looking forward.."
"All the merries and sadness.. "
"Embrace them til death finds you."

Skipped the morning intro..
uh uh, i'm not late for school at last!

There's only ADP today.
Searched the net for some music fonts..
and editing them in my draft before finally scanned it.
My first time with photoshop was epic!
Didn't know what function is which, not to mention what it does!
DoM helped me bit by bit since he's sitting beside me..
later he left for an appointment..
so i stayed on til 8 plus.
Luckily, Si Jie came by and taught me a lot about photoshop functions!
For once, i have know what it feels to do a proper color blending!
Now i'm loving every moment of photoshop..
uh, ok... not every moment...
... hang.. on.. certain.. occasions.. :(

Went home, outlined my whole design til 2 am with CS 3 provided by friends.
So busy not a days...
Being an animator is quite fun..
yet boring and tiring :(

11:11 PM

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"Keep looking forward.."
"All the merries and sadness.. "
"Embrace them til death finds you."

i have always thought that Tuesday there will be drawing and ADP.
So i woke up early at seven..
prepared what i must..
was on the train, until i got a call from DoM.
To only realized that there's lifeskill instead of drawing.
Waited for DoM at Tanah Merah, hes coming from changi airport because he has to sent his cousin back to Canada.
Got to school, went to the new avenue of lifeskill and..
the boring rattling begins..

i had no idea..
ok, no interests in what lifeskill was teaching us about today.
Just some random stuffs about guys and girls.. blah blah blah.
Video was not too shabby.

Went for free period to finish up my flip book..
only left with shading, color and shadow effects.

Borrowed a tablet for nothing today lol!
A round of dota for warm up before starting on work.
Only added in more details before finally scanned it into the drive.

Got back the test result..
as expected, i failed..
but what the gosh, only one hour of studying i still managed to score quite close!
This is the fruit of late studying :)

After school, DoM accompanied me to Tampinese to get my pretty earring.
While at Tampinese Mall, we went to have dinner first..
was too hungry!
After, went to ask for the cost of the earring...
hmmm... was shocked when i heard 28.
But looking at the earring again, i feel that it's quite worthy for those big crystals!
But then again...
didn't have enough cash to spare...
only had 24..
AHHH! should have bought it first instead of having dinner!
Luckily, the lady who was at the counter, asked her boss if 24 was ok for the earring.
In the end, managed to got a set for 24 bucks.
Expensive but it's worth it for me :)

Went home, nothing to do..
a few rounds of dota before trying the earring on.
Wow, taking out the old one was a pain in the loop :(
Wow... keke.. i didn't expecting this..
the new earring i putted on made me look so feminine!
of course it does!
it's a girl's design earring anyway :)
My mum say i was perverted for wearing such feminine earring :o

10:30 PM

Monday, May 25, 2009

"Keep looking forward.."
"All the merries and sadness.. "
"Embrace them til death finds you."

Keke, don't even need to guess..
woke up late, late for school as usual :P
i tend to sleep late and wake up late..
thats the way of life.

Had a lot of work haven't even started.
i planned to at least start on something at school today.

Well, carry on to school.
First up we have is.. drawing.
Oh yeah, before that..
while on the train, theres this girl that sat next to me..
i tried to take a peek at her face.. while she was reading her book..
but i just didn't have the guts :(
i could sense that she's a sweet type though :)
Kyaa!! why am i even talking about this!?

... back to school..
i'm surprised thst the flip-book assignment is quite easy.
i did managed to complete 27 frames out of 39..
thats quite an accomplishment in a day... plus i'm late for an hour ><

Last lesson we have up next is none other then ADP..
specking of which.. what does ADP stands for?
haven't thought of this...
for nearly six months, i have been attending a lesson that i don't even know what's its for!

Added a little terrain to my final poster, a drum set and a musical keyboard.
The rest of the day, was finding ideas of what to add and what not to the terrain.

Finalized art piece, only the character before adding terrain.

We got to know how many people passed in the surprised test last Friday.
too be honest..
i believe.. no..
i am one of the ones who failed..
People studied a week before it..
i studied on the day for one hour LOL!

Well well, instead of playing at home today..
i did complete around ninety percent of my character design..
Friday's the deadline.. i hope not..
because i still have a lot of things i haven't do yet.

This is after the terrain designs i did while i'm at home.
i know... no need to say... my camera skill sucks, so is my lighting :(

This week i'm in serious business mode!
then again... i'm joking :P

10:03 PM

Sunday, May 24, 2009

"Keep looking forward.."
"All the merries and sadness.. "
"Embrace them til death finds you."

Today too, did nothing much.
Instead of doing my work...
whole day was watching videos here and there.
Finished Gundam 00 S2, it was epic yet emotional in some scenes :)
Later watch a few series of How i Met Your Mother..
you gotta love the humor in this show!

Later evening, cousins came over to have dinner.
Resolved to finalize my character design.. until..
i suddenly went in to dota mood...
and... that... was... it.

Uh uh, i at least did finalize my character!
But terrain planned to do it tomorrow at ADP..
only left one week...
hope i can make it!

Idol Time!
More of Mi Hee at Seoul Motor Show, again in her yellow dress :)

One word, Beautiful.

Even when she doesn't pose, she looks great!

Oh my! thats my personal pose!
i'm honored that Mi Hee is using it!

Mi Hee...
Is she the perfect girl in the world who every guys dream of?
a YES for me definitely!

10:32 PM

Saturday, May 23, 2009

"Keep looking forward.."
"All the merries and sadness.. "
"Embrace them til death finds you."

Not much interesting stuff happened today.
Not even one in fact.

Watched Gundam 00 S2 for the whole day..
then did a sketch of my character design before dreaming off.
Specking of which, i had been wearing school uniform from yesterday til now..
seems like i enjoy wearing it a lot more then home cloths.
Ear loop starts to hurts here and there time to time :(

Hadn't been posting much of Miku recently.
Today's delicated to Hatsune Miku!

Favourite picture of Miku :)

Gothic Miku with her Vocaloid friends~

Miku is so sexy in here!
That outfit looks quite familiar though..

Chibi Miku singing in three of this video!

11:08 PM

Friday, May 22, 2009

"Keep looking forward.."
"All the merries and sadness.. "
"Embrace them til death finds you."

Got to.. wake.. up.. to study..
Alarm rang at six, climbed out of bed at seven.
Read through the slides...
not until i get word sickness..
scan through instead of reading and thats that.

Xavier called and asked to go early for group study.
On the way, DoM messaged to meet up at the station.
Thus i waited for him at Tampinese station..
Coincidence is coincidence, or not at all.
i don't know what i'm talking about too, lol!

Got to the test venue late, but it hasn't started..
instead of studying, we were groofing around at the back..
no point, thirty chapters a bit cmi, ok not a bit.. confirmed cmi.
Test finally started...
after looking through the first page...
i said to myself.. gg
i have no idea what the questions were asking!
luckily it was not fill in the blank..
if it was, there will only by my name written down at the end of the test :)
Back peeps finished the test not more then fifty-teen minutes.
While waiting, we.. ok, i watched some portable stuffs to kill boredom :P

Test paper filled with "i anyhow did it" answers.

Never ever had tried Big Mac, took my gutters out to try it.
It was... so big for it to even fit in to my mouth...
overall it was quite filling.

Arghh, so tired today...
wanted to skip drawing...
went to class, feeling tired..
but i know i got to at least finished the concept of the flip book by today.
Not i would be a gonner.
Took my brain hours to think of an idea!
My brain has been failing me recently :(

After school, DoM accompanied me to go Tampinese to do ear piercing..
ouch, that gotta hurts a lot.
Asked DoM several time whether does it hurt like the ear's about to drop off..
Well, he said that it's like a ant bite..
Got to 77th Street, nervous like... nervous lol..
When the lady was doing the preparation.. i was... preparing to scream.
But then later... when the gun was on my ear loop..
it was really intense..
until... PLUCK!
you know how hole puncher sounds? yea, that.
Feels like i got stapled...
Ant bite... it hurts for a bit until it started to slowly fade away.
Went around T1 with DoM, looking at chio bus instead of products.
Damn, i missed to see one super mini skirt girl... :(
Met another group of classmate, went with them to Tampinese Mall.
Later we separated, while DoM and i went to look at rings.
Brought one, costs me 15.
The design... you really wouldn't want to know :)

At home, i couldn't wear home cloths, tight loops.
Had to sleep with my uniform on lol!

Enough about today... it's time for... *drum rolls*
Idol Time!

This time, Hwang Mi Hee in Seoul Motor Show!
Wearing a tight yellow dress with a pretty hairstyle!


Peek a boo? kawaii!


The hawtness!
She's too gorgeous!

10:11 PM

Thursday, May 21, 2009

"Keep looking forward.."
"All the merries and sadness.. "
"Embrace them til death finds you."

No need to guess.
Late as usual :)

Since im late for lessons already, why not get some snacks before i go?
Grab some Pokky sticks and went for lessons.

Meh, did absolutely nothing today for lesson.
i'm falling behide by a mile!
Lots of work i haven't do or complete!

Own lots of drawing for... drawing lesson, actually two.
Never planned for flip book blah blah blah.
Haven't finish my character design.
Never ever had touch my textbook or read the slide for ADP exam.

Not to mention tomorrows the surprise test, but not anymore since we know when it is.
i don't care so much about studying anymore!
Let nature take its pace.

Hah, after school..
Xavier, DoM and i went to Sunshine Plaza again.
Waited long for the bus sixty five..
When you want something, it doesn't really happen.
But when you don't want something, it really does happen.
A really profound theory... it's been proven! it's true >>

Anyway, while we were there..
waited awhile before kknm opened and spended quite long in there.
Nothing much interest me except for a few.

DoM and i were hungry after that, so we went for wantoo noodles near kknm.
DoM said the noodles here were good, so lets taste it out then.
Then again it costs 3.50 and the serving is not even schools standard..

After eating, we went to Xavier house to relax and study..
On the way to the station, we went by pass this orange tiger lion ball thing.
Xavier decided to take a photo with it.
End, Xavier climbed up onto the orange ball thing's head while DoM was balancing it!
i don't know if i should be posting this photo..
i hope i doesn't get sued by the charity whatever company :(

Again, we watch some episodes of How i Met your Mom..
never failed to get us laughing.
i stain my eyes trying to watch what Xavier was showing us for the past minutes..
you wouldn't want to know what we watched... it's horrid!
Nearly killed myself again at Xavier's house thanks to DoM..
Laughed til no sound and tears gush out..
oh, the joy...

We had dinner at Xavier's house too and it was simple and delicious.
Went home quite late with DoM.

i planned to read through the slides tomorrow at 12..
but then again after hours of playing..
no willpower to read, saved it for tomorrow then!
Pray, must wake up early tomorrow!

10:32 PM

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"Keep looking forward.."
"All the merries and sadness.. "
"Embrace them til death finds you."

After letting out yesterday, i felt much better today :)
Morning, always... failed to get up at the appropriate time.
Alarm rang at six, but later woke up and slept again.
The end, woke up at eight.

Preparation took half of an hour.
Didn't wore t-shirt for class today.
Ain't in the swing for it.

Told the teacher in charge that i'm having stomach upset, in fact i was just lazy.
But then, wanted to train basketball skills, but got spotted by the teacher..
Told me that i can't play since i'm feeling unwell.
Awww, shouldn't have made that excuse >,>

Good news, no more lesson for physical education til next term.
You know what that means?
i could sleep in later every Wednesday now!

i REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to draw on my finalized drawing for today!
The weird thing is, the cursor would always moved to somewhere else but work.
Wasted today lesson on...
What else could we play?

Halfway through.
Xavier suddenly told us that his work got rejected by both Mr E and Vince.
Why? because just the lecturer doesn't like manga drawing style..
they decide to minus marks just base on their likings..
This is... bullcra...
i mean come on...
just because some of you doesn't like anime and stuffs, it's fairly ok for us to understand.
Each person has their likings and dislikes.
But... argh this.. their attitudes disgusts me!
Now, for those using manga style design, will have to redo?
after hours of effort thrown into it?
Society really stinks sometimes...

Ahhh, i don't care anymore!
Just design a character that i liked, doesn't give a damn about how they think!

Went to have a peek at girls at Tampines ite today.
For some very weird reasons, i register for skates sports.
Mmm.. then again, i'm not very interested in it..
For the sake of pretty young girls, i'm going for it!
Gotta give it my all! :)

What do you know? it's time for Idol Time!
Haven't been saving images of her for some times.
Until i do, here are some images of her in a white dress.

What a pretty smile! <3

Ohoh, this is one pose that i love! sexy expression! <3
The hair style and her clothing suits really well!


All i can say is...
i'm crazy about her now!!!
Mi Hee-sama!!

9:56 PM

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"Keep looking forward.."
"All the merries and sadness.. "
"Embrace them til death finds you."

Had no dream today :(
Woke up then fell asleep.
Repeated the same steps about three times before finally getting up.

Slept like a log, with that i didn't went for morning lesson... again.
i'll be wasting my time even if i went, why not use it on others.
Others including, staring at the computer before going to school.

i thought that lesson starts at twelve today, speed up pace to school~
When i was outside the school, i thought to myself.. oh crap, i'm late for ADP again..
But then when i went to the lab, i couldn't find anyone familiar.
Instant call Xavier to ask what happened to ADP...
So its in fact, ADP starts at one today >,<

Here's comes the part where everyone who experience my wrath today, wanted to know what exactly happened.
Even if you don't care, just skip this part then.

Something happened.
i felt really happy.
it ended happily ever after.

i'll be lying to myself and everyone if i said that was true.
i have planned today to be just me going to ADP lesson to do my stuff.
But NOOOOO, you guys just have to utter some things that pisses me off!

Here's the story...

Xavier persuaded me to go for free period, i planned not to go.
But like he said, just sit around for a few minutes wouldn't hurt.
Yea, i got nothing to lose... so i went.
i regretted going... i really shouldn't have...

Went in. and surprise there was a party held up again.
i was planning to just sit around and hang around with Xavier.
But after awhile, i heard them shouting.
Even though i was blasting my walkman, i could heard exactly what they were shouting.
And it has to be stuffs that irks me.
i have been keeping this inside me for weeks, but i had enough of this feeling i'm fretting over.


Seriously, they just had to shout all those phrases that hurts me alot whenever i'm around.
i don't mind if i'm not around, seriously why should i care?
i'm not trying to make them my enemies, i wouldn't even dream of!
But this is just too much for me to handle...
i only told my situational to both of my two trusted friends, Xavier and DoM.
Only they know what kind of situation i'm in..
Before the party even begins, i told Xavier that i'm leaving.
But he pursued me again to stay, and i promised him i would.
i broke the promise, and left.
If i didn't left and all those words continue to be heard by my ears.
i would send punches into their faces, i swear i would if i didn't left.
Not just punches, we would be no friends no more..
i had to leave if not i'm afraid i would lose myself back there.

So you wanna know what's that stupid feeling that i'm experiencing every SINGLE day?
yes i capital locked that word on purpose, it's not just today, but every SINGLE day!

Whenever i heard them saying about...
You guys should know who you are if your reading this.
Again, i wouldn't want to be your enemy, but if you guys still don't know what's going on.
i will bet on the day, we will be and i would hate all of you for life!

The feeling that always uncontrollably gush out..
it's irritating, frustrating, angry and the one i seem to felt the most... jealousy.
i couldn't explained why i felt that.
i wanted to just let it go, forget the past.
But whenever i went to school, i always felt this every day.
i know i deserved this, but the pain is just too big for me to keep it in.
i had to vent it out somewhere, and it's here, my daily journal.

i was thinking of leaving this course for good.
But i wouldn't want to leave my friends...
Xavier and DoM both told me the same thing.
it's not worth it...
But the pain i endured everyday just got worst day by day!

So i went for ADP when it's time.
Went to the gents to cool down but it sure didn't work out.
When i went back, was about to grab my seat and just forget everything.
People just had to irritated me when i'm already angry.
Someone blocked my way on my way back.
i tried to went pass him by the other side.
But then again, NOOOOO... you guys just had to purposely do it.
Without any thoughts, i yelled at him.

Ok ok pause.
i'm not trying to let everyone know that i'm angry or what so ever.
But the words just came out of my mouth without any thoughts!
it's like i'm so angry and wtf you just had to come and disturbed me.

After thinking about what happened today, i started to get angry again.
it's best if i could just trashed away the memories!
i shouldn't have fell in love at first... i really shouldn't...
it's not that i'm trying to tell you guys how miserably i am now.
why would i tell how miserably i am, it's not like any of you cares right?
Your deeply mistaken if you are.

Today, i would just like to vent out all my anger.
Flames or complains, said it directly in my face.

There's mostly words today, no photos or Idol Time.
If you wanted photos, you would see me punching some guys straight in their faces.

Geezzz, i gotta forget today and watch some Lucky Star to cool myself down!

8:19 PM

Monday, May 18, 2009

"Keep looking forward.."
"All the merries and sadness.. "
"Embrace them til death finds you."

Mmmm... today i had a weird dream!
Dreamt of me and someone robbing a bank :O!
First attempt to rob the bank, Success!
Second attempt, Failure... end up getting caught by the police and sent to jail.
I remember i was told by the officer that i had to shave my hair for jail!
God nuuu! not my hair!
i pleaded with the officer asking him that if he don't shave my hair i'll spent any amount of time in jail..
Suddenly woke up by my mum!
What an awesome dream i had!
Oh, wait a moment... somethings not right...
The sky is too bright for an early morn.... oh my gosh! it's 8.45! i'm late for school!

This is the first time i overslept for ite :)

Lessons start at 9, i left home at 9. What a coincidence!
Took me one hour to reach school.
i though that Mr E would be taking class today..
When i open the very door to class, the first person i saw was Ms Tracy!
Tried to sneak into the back, obviously was seen by her..
Suddenly she called out to me! ... i'm so gonna get it :(
But in fact she didn't ask anything, she asked me to take down my temperature only.
Mmmm... strange enough... but oh well :)

Drawing didn't did anything again :)

ADP didn't did anything too :)

So why i bother coming to school?
Simple, because there's a surprise test this week and i don't wanna scar my attendance since i'm hoping to enter Poly... which is a dream...

After school, promised Xavier that i would be going with him and DoM to Sunshine Plaza to laminate his posters.
Went to jj first.
i regretted going in there... came out with a hole in my pocket T.T
Next was Dhouby Ghuat then walked to Sunshine Plaza.
On our way there, talked about random stuffs.
DoM kept asking why i wanted to crossdress.
i answered him that i wanted to be a girl!
Then both of them came up with this:
if i ever wore a skirt, it will be the end of the world because god can't stand the awesomeness of my feminine side thus destroying the world :)

In the end, didn't managed to get the posters laminate..
The people were too lazy to do it, making excuses to push away their work..
Not like i bother.. but if they don't wanna do business, then fine then.

On the go, went to Ani-Play to look at some anime merchandise.
DoM and Xavier bought some stuffs while i look around.
Guess what i found while i went around on the second tour.
Kagami cosplaying as Miku Figma for sale!
The thing is it's only left one and it cost fourty seven bucks..
Oh well... if i'm fated to have it... i'll meet it again sometime, somedays, somewhere :)

Xavier asked if there were selling any Weib Schwarz trail deck or booster, to our surprise they do!
They had three trail deck in stock, twenty seven bucks each.
One being: Shining Force, Lucky Star and Little Busters.
All three of us wanted to buy, but we spented a big hole already :P

Forgotten to took some pictures of the anime merchandises... now i got no photos to post :(

Went home anyway.
Met Wilson on the way back home too.

Yet again didn't bother to study.. i wonder what my grades will be? :P
First, i had nothing to do.
But once i started searching for Mi Hee images on google...

Started saving her images from 8 til 12...
Now i'm totally memerised by her!

Idol Time!

Today i'll be posting more school girl hawtness of Mi Hee!

The beauty of her legs~ Black stockings.... *nose bleeds*

What a cute pose! <3



She's too beautiful to not fell in love with! <3

9:55 PM