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Entries Tuesday, June 30, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Prologue LXXXIV No programme on for me today.. used all my time today searching for a new blog skin.. I needed something dark and gothic.. atlas found a few matching candidates.. well, i think the current skin stands out the most.. bigger text, dark tone.. really fits well. Got my head stiffed by Nightwish again.. I need to thanks Stepmania, for leading me to find this wonderful band. Their music really sunk into my heart.. loving those gothic metal glory more as each day passes. At night, wanted to rest for the day earlier.. wasn't feeling so well and fine.. which leads me to discover a shocking happening.. well, I was applying my night cream when I lifted my side hair.. to only disgust myself.. the ear piercing i had, was bleeding.. and all the blood cot drys up and was really.. disgusting. Didn't wanted to take out the earring.. only applied an amount of cream to it.. hope it will cure the sore around my loop. Jay Monday, June 29, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Prologue LXXXIII Today was an long awaited day since last four days. Meeting for gathering with DoM, Darren and Shi Jie was was at 12.30.. atlas i reached there around the time given.. three trains went by before they came :o We splited up at Dhoby Ghuat.. Darren and Shi Jie went to get seats while DoM and i went to Chinatown.. Was there to get his long awaited belt.. the last one was still around, and the store keeper gave him a discount too. Wow, if only that happened to me while buying figurines. Now we have a "happy" DoM so let's go and meet Xavier and the rest. Arcade, lunch then the Grand Cathay.. It was finally the moment.. i was surprised how big theater 1 was! i never have stepped foot into it.. well, let's get it on, Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen. Finally, Megatron is back alive again~ All movies end with the bad guys crumbling, right? Well, i don't get the title if the Fallen was supposed to get his revenge yet falls again. Guess all bad guy always dies.. kinda sad ending for the Decepticons.. well, they will have their revenge again next fall. When evil falls, new evil rises again! Went to Peace Center after the movie to pool.. four people sharing a table, i'm on budget mind you. Great day i had today. But every time i goes out.. seeing those pretty girls gets me to think to myself.. how pathetic i am.. yet i still need them. Frail. Jay Sunday, June 28, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Still flamed about the friends crap. well, there's no way i will ever forget this grudge. Things i have done today... let's see.. Hmmm... no more STEPS for now :l so alternative method, Stepmania. Went through lots of sim files today at FFR. Found some nice old classic songs and some songs that just sticks into your head when you pressed the play button. Went across the top 100 sim file and i downloaded mostly most of them to practice. Out of many of the files, i came across yet another song that whacked me out.. "Wish i Had An Angel" by Nightwish well, let's start by.. that Nightwish is yet another finnish band i encounter since LORDI ![]() Here we have it, Nightwish band members. They look really punky and gothic, don't you think? it's not just their looks, so are their songs! Lyrics i just had to add it in! I wish I had an angel For one moment of love I wish I had your angel tonight Deep into a dying day I took a step outside an innocent heart Prepare to hate me fall when I may this night will hurt you like never before Old loves they die hard Old lies they die harder I wish I had an angel For one moment of love I wish I had your angel Your Virgin Mary undone I'm in love with my lust Burning angel wings to dust I wish I had your angel tonight I'm going down so frail and cruel Drunken disguise changes all the rules Old loves they die hard Old lies they die harder I wish I had an angel For one moment of love I wish I had your angel Your Virgin Mary undone I'm in love with my lust Burning angel wings to dust I wish I had your angel tonight Greatest thrill, not to kill But to have the prize of the night Hypocrite, wannabe friend 13th disciple, who betrayed me for nothing! Last dance, first kiss Your touch my bliss Beauty always comes with dark thoughts I wish I had an angel For one moment of love I wish I had your angel Your Virgin Mary undone I'm in love with my lust Burning angel wings to dust I wish I had your angel tonight I wish I had an angel I wish I had an angel I wish I had an angel I wish I had an angel Right after this song, i went to get my head bang with more of Nightwish songs. Next favorite, Bye Bye Beautiful.. practice both of them in Stepmania and i'm am loving it! Now lets get some power metal into our raw skull! Jay Saturday, June 27, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Bored of relentless mmorpging.. never the less i still went up to check on some mmorpg. Took a big look around searching for something to kill my time.. came across a few but i lol'ed at the system requirement. i believe after the moment i login, the desktop would ignite black haze... so, no Accidentally clicked on the casual section.. casual gaming sounds relaxing to the mind... but no, music games like Audition and STEPS were mind blowing for me.. Since i already had STEPS installed for months, it's time i try it out. ![]() i had less experience in music game like Audition style.. but it went on rather well. They got some really retro music installed in their components.. like.. Jay chou S.H.E Lady GaGa Wondergirls some really old but good songs. Had an nap afterward , too much pressing is tiring, you see. Any dreams, i don't dream in the afternoon or really? As soon as i woke up from reality.. continued on STEPS again The day just goes on like this. Jay Friday, June 26, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Morning calls. Went to Dhoby Ghuat alone. For now i preferred to be going out alone. This is something random i felt today and ALWAYS. Heck about friends.. some body please break it down what does this word called "friend" is all about? i had doubted this word for the rest of my life starting from secondary grade. You know what? i dare to say i had wasted four years of my life in secondary grade til now. What does these friends of mine do when i needed their help? Screw it, they don't even appear! Not even a phone call or text message to even bother to ask "Are you alright?" or whatever, NO! No, i just had to say it out somewhere, if not this anger of mine will not rest. Geez, i just had an emotional breakdown but whatever. Forget the unhappy memories about this thing called "friends" So yeah, i went to KKNM at Sunshine Plaza to pre-order Saber Lily whom i just got hook on to on the net yesterday. ![]() Cute, isn't she? Well, beside just collecting Figurines related to Miku, this nendoroid is a must get for any nendoroid collectors. Luckily i noticed it fast since she was released for pre-order on the 25th, and i got to ordered mine today :) On the spot, i finally gotten myself Hiiragi Kagami in her MikuMikku cosplay for my Miku family. ![]() She's too awesome to pass up on. And she fits nicely with her nendoroid counterpart. Well now now, i had fun with myself today.. except that i'm still annoyed about the "friends" prologue. i have heard the breaking news of Michael Jackson today.. surprisingly it did shocked me how this Pop idol left this world. i mean i don't really idolize him that much since hearing lots of rumors about him.. but i had to say, i still had respect for him and it's rather sad that he left humanity. May your soul be at peace, Farewell to the world's Pop sensation, Michael Jackson. Jay Thursday, June 25, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Wow, today woke up having a weird dream.. i dreamt that i got smashed into by a rail train :o i could feel the pain, it was really realistic! and i felt dead... then i woke up, shocked. Well, well pretty nice dream to encounter for a start of a day. Today was the latest i ever got up, 11.30.. so tiring :( Nothing much happened today.. but since i got tagged by Xavier.. and it's my first ever.. here goes~ RULES: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to copy-paste this note, and answer all the questions. At the end, choose 15 people to be tagged - including the person who tagged you. (To do this, go to “notes” under tabs (+) on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, paste the questions, answer the questions, tag 15 people (in the right hand corner of the app then click publish). ABC About You Questions: A - AVAILABLE: Definitely B - BIRTHDAY: 22/11/1992 C - CRUSHING ON: Any girls who are beautiful~ D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Water E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: None F - FAVORITE: Hatsune Miku and Hwang Mi Hee :) G - GUMMY BEARS OR GUMMY WORMS: Bears H - HOMETOWN: Pasir Ris I - IN LOVE WITH: Like i say, any girls who are beautiful~ J - JUGGLE: lolwut K - KILLED BY: Currently alive, next year i would be killed by myself. L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Forgotten M - MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: Chocolate <3 N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: Three O - ONE WISH: To enjoy life to my fullest while i'm still breathing. P - PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: Mum R - REASON TO SMILE: i can't find any S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Creeping in My Soul T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 11.30 V - VEGETABLE(S): Tomatoes! W - WORST HABIT: i have crazy thoughts X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: None Y – YOYOS ARE: Circlic, round of course Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Monkey Random Questions About You: What color do you wear most?: White and Black What are you listening to?: Din Don Dan Dan Fo Are you happy with your life right now?: Sadly, no What is your favorite class in school?: Whichever that i can slack in When do you start back at school/college?: Forgotten Are you outgoing?: i wouldn't say i am, but i want to. Favorite pair of shoes?: My pairs of Converse sneakers Where do you wish you were right now: With a girl i want to take care of THE CANS: Can you dance? : Random dance, yes Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: lolwut Can you whistle?: Nope Write with both hands?: Nope Walk with your toes curled?: Nope THE DO'S: Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Properly yes Do you believe in miracles? : Yes and No Do you believe in magic?: Yes Love at first sight?: Definitely Do you think there's a Satan?: i don't know, and i don't wanna know Do you believe in Santa?: No Do you know how to swim?: haven't tried swimming for years, wouldn't know. Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows: insects? hell no, luxury food, drools. THE HAVES: Have you ever been on a plane?: Yes Have you ever asked someone out?: Friends, always Have you ever been asked out by someone?: Friends, always... i wished it was a girl though Have you ever been to the ocean?: Yea Have you ever painted your nails?: Nope THE WHATS: What is the temperature outside?: 40 degree.. no, i wouldn't know What radio station do you listen to?: i don't listen to one. What was the last restaurant you ate at?: MCDonald What was the last thing you bought?: Double cheese burger meal Who was the last person you took a picture of?: Myself CRYING SECTION: Ever really cried your heart out?: Definitely Ever cried yourself to sleep?: wouldn't know Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: well, i want to if it's a girl Ever cried over the opposite sex?: Sensitive question but yes Do you cry when you get an injury?: Depends how serious it is Do certain songs make you cry?: Yea, in fact they do HAPPY SECTION. Are you a happy person?: Not til i get myself a soul mate What can make you happy?: Dating girls :) Do you wish you were happier?: If possible, yes Can music make you happy?: They can't but they nullified my pain. LOVE SECTION. How many times have you had your heart broken?: Sensitive question i wouldn't answer Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: Yet another sensitive question, No, if i die how would i continue to love her? LOOK AT ME. What is your current hair color?: Black with semi gold-brown highlights Current piercings?: Ear loop Have any tattoos?: No Eye color: Black and black IN GIRLS Favorite eye color: Any as long as it's mesmerizing Short or long hair: i prefer long hair, but short hair are beautiful too Height: Any above 150 Best clothing: Gothic or Summer wear HAVE YOU EVER. Been to jail: Nope, nearly Mooned someone: lolwut Thrown up in a store: Nope Done something really stupid that you still laugh at today: Nope Gone skinny dipping: lolwut THIS OR THAT Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi McDonald's or Burger King: MCDonald Single or Group Dates: Single Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries Meat or Veggies: Meat TV or Movie: Movie Guitar or Drums?: Guitar Adidas or Nike: Adidas Chinese or Mexican: Chinese Cheerios or Corn Flakes: Corn Flakes Cake or Pie: Cake Jay Wednesday, June 24, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." 24th today, the release of Transformer 2: Revenge of the Fallen. Sadly couldn't watch it today due to seats fully occupied.. but i will be catching it next Monday with DoM and Xavier together at Cathay.. All hail, Megatron! Went out today with DoM today to summit our time sheet to Daisy. Well, well nearly got off the wrong station as Tajong Paja sounds the same as Tioh Baru.. well i don't know how to spell it, so whatever goes :l Meh, the building was harder to find then we though, additionally it was raining~ you know my circumstances, acidic rain produces more arches :( We roamed around M hotel for nearly an hour.. finding an building that is opposite it. Lastly we managed to find it, it was the first building we went by > > Filled up forms and random stuffs before finally meeting Daisy.. all i can say is... she's a fine agent... lol Went to Chinatown to meet Randy and his girlfriend to scout for belts. Sadly, there was no Kiva's henshin bucket for sale :( only IXA's knuckle and Saga's henshin bucket... Oh boy, now we have to idea what to buy :O Some 1/6 scale Kamen Riders from BM series each costing at least 280 bucks at Toysntoy :o Then we went to OG to scout for more belts.. nothing much too. Later instead of going home, went to cousin's house to have dinner and stuff.. Random day it was today.. Jay Tuesday, June 23, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Nothing much :( watched Transformer with myself on the pc :l While halfway through, Daisy suddenly called and asked me to go down to her office today :o then she directed me to her office via the phone while i was.. just carrying on watching while listening to her.. you could say that i was rude but i had no intention of going down today. Anyway everybody knows my navigation system is epic phail.. so why bother :o Meh, rotting at home is really exciting.. really, literally. There's still two? wait.. one week? before holidays are over.. with the ongoing virus spreading like water.. poly has already given another one week of holidays.. since there were a few cases in their institution.. ITE? mmm... not sure whether there will be extended holidays for us.. most likely not :( 50 percent of my will wants to go to school yet another half doesn't. i wan my pocket money, not no more figurines or w/e cool gadgets :o Jay Monday, June 22, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Today, another intense computer break~ Went to Dhouby Ghuat with DoM to meet up with Xavier at the arcade. Hang around the arcade waiting for the rest to gather.. then later went to Cathay to wait for more people to turn up. The end, we preluded on what movie to watch.. Drag me to Hell? i had an urge of watching but.. still i have an feeling of i so not want to get scare outta the crap out of me in the middle of the night. So later most of them choose another variant to watch nesides horror.. so they choose I Love You, Man.. mmm... i never seen the trailer or anything related.. so of course i have the feeling of.. "would this even be funny to watch?" but after getting persuaded by them and since Jason Segel aka Marshall from How i Met Your Mom was as the secondary lead, i guess why not. Rounded up for some pool practice before actually going for the movie. So i did managed to practice another new stand.. not too shabby after all.. fringe really getting to me.. can only use one sight to lock the ball. ![]() So, yeah.. the movie.. i take back my thoughts on it. It was an amazing movie since last i watched a comedy, romance english film. If anyone isn't 16 or below, yes it's nc 16 :o i would recommend any of you to watch it. Well, well good day spent today considering i'm on low funds :l Jay Sunday, June 21, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Did nothing much today.. went on Bankai MS for the whole day grinding.. 353 rebirths :o bored :/ Later at night, wanted to go find DoM for pooling.. but after i alt tab out of MS.. i saw his msn chat straight out of the screen . Wasted my time changing and preparing :( Night time, dota til 2 am plus with friends.. hoho, i really have no life, do i? Jay Saturday, June 20, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Awwww, bored :( went on Bankai MS for the whole day.. catchy name a? Later went to catch up on Decade.. went to watch episode 21... holy cow! Decade's new form is lolololol. although i must say that his replica is cool.. as they moves with Decade's action. Oh my god, Kurenai Otoya is back! and he's sexier then ever! His role in Decade is unknown yet.. although he looks like he's one of the evil guys.. yays for Otoya becoming evil! ![]() "You Bastard!" Otoya so cool! ![]() Dark Kiva! oh my he's even smexier when he's dark kiva! ![]() Otoya style <3 ![]() :o bastard again! wow, he really like to use it alot a.. Later night went to look for DoM at Downtown. Surprisingly Su Hao was there too.. pool with the both of them and one of our coleague there Jay Friday, June 19, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." lololol what a boring day. Searched a few online games north, south, east and west. First up was Cabal.. the installation got me blurred up.. then forget it lol. Next was.. ah! MapleStory... god i wouldn't even play this game if i weren't so dead bored! Did you know? many family was broken up because of MapleStory? i mean it isn't the game's fault but the addiction it brought to humans.. oh, it's the game's fault anyway. Played a while until i think to myself.. "why am i playing this crap?" instantly got myself out of the game. Lastly was the long forgotten MU online! The server rate caught me in the eye.. 99999x/xxxx/xxxx Got to test it out! But the end, pixelated graphics turns me off :( Got work also sian.. without work also sian.. life boring a? nope, just lack the motivation to live :o Jay Thursday, June 18, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Tired today :( still have to go work. lucky it's my last day :) Rounded up and then went to downtown.. agent told me to get there 10 minutes earlier but it's the exact opposite.. 10 minutes later.. lol Anyway, supervisor didn't even complained.. so it's time to work. Instead of giving brochures and fans today.. we are giving out brochures and baggies. Bags gave out like water while.. brooches.. is.. lololol. From 11 to 3 i managed to gave out all my brooches before going for break. Tiring a... 3 to 8 was oh my god long.. 8 to 9 was.. slower. After work, went to pool again.. didn't have the energy to play.. committed suicide for the whole hour lol. Today was super tiring and sore. But hey, i managed to get something off my list :) Jay Wednesday, June 17, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Today.. was playing dota with myself in the morning.. Dragonica? tired of it.. taking a break from it seems best. Managed to charge up bloodstone to 27 charges on Death Prophet.. that's 54 hp/mana regen per second :o! Kills:30 Death:0 :o sad that it's only ai. lololol. DoM called today asking me to work at Downtown for Singtel. Couldn't find any reasons to turn down.. since i have got absolutely not much to do at home. Went there got changed into the Singtel shirt they provided Later went to give out brochures and fan at the spot appointed.. 12.30 til 9... wah.. super tiring and boring.. people avoiding me like a plague.. and some human's attitude are beyond redemption. Pros are i got to see many chio bus walking pass and fourth :) This is my first holiday work and my last :( Tomorrow still have to go a.. and it's earlier.. tiring :( Well, at least i earned some funds for my stuffs within my wishlist :) Jay Tuesday, June 16, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Awww.. got tricked into school by DoM today :( was supposed to meet up in school but.. only i turned up :o Called to draw tofu's facial expressions by Ms Tracy. Sad.. anyhow draw.. listened to random music while resting. Later went on to meet DoM near the station. Have our lunch at Long John Slivers with DoM, Nick, Randy and i. then later went to Dhoby Ghaut to pool. Pool.. nothing much to say. After that, went home to rest and stuffs. Today was a break from Dragonica. Simple and easy day :) Jay Monday, June 15, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Found a new remedy for face cure today! Tomato! Recommended by my grandmother and neighbor~ both of them say it works from experience~ Now i got a new food intake everyday. Tried one today.. the taste is... sour, crunchy and juicy. Couldn't bear to taste it.. swallow every piece throughout~ For the sake of my face! Tomato Feast! It's again time for Idol Time! Continuance of Mi Hee in her stylish fashion~ ![]() ![]() Win-pose! for some reason, this pose is my favorite :) ![]() Mi Hee is known for a few things.. and one of it is her.. cuteness! This photo is the prove! ![]() Another Win-pose~ ![]() Beanie, beanie! Jay Sunday, June 14, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Today a little something happened at home yet again. Because of one trivia matter blows into a really drastic one! i can get why i'm mentally unstable due to all the influence i'm getting at home. Screams.. Screen.. Nagging.. Insanity.. Music... oh thats caused by me. Mind blowing influence i would say.. And none of them realize they are any of this. Sad.. really sad. Seldom comes a day of peace. i wouldn't call it home, more like a resting den. Beside this, nothing happened unless you wanna hear about my life in Dragonica :l grind -> hunt set equips -> sleep Short and simple :) Jay Saturday, June 13, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Oww, another day of no life. Today, continued with my newly made character.. rush rush til job advancement.. grind grind til eye pain > < Here's.. Jay's easy step of everyday life. 1. Grind 2. Eat 3. Grind 4. Eat 5. Grind 6. Eat 7. Sleep Next day, repeat. Sad :( Bleh, life is not exciting without motivation! You know people always complain about how life sux and boring for them? You need motivation to get on with life! It only took me 17 years to realize that! cool uh? Got to save energy to grind tomorrow.. who says pressing buttons ain't tiring? Try pressing for a day. Jay Friday, June 12, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." There was supposed to be lesson today.. but.. overslept and tired to get out. Dragonica.. boring... My Glad can't get any party anywhere.. and the people i started with.. well, went on with others. Another reason why i figured i ain't cut out for mmorpg i get particularly bored and frustrated when friends start to abandon you later on. While in the early game, they sort of made use of you to get to higher levels, objective and crap. Now i know why i preferred other country's player rather then Singaporeans.. First, their language tune... i hate it a lot. Second, most of them just make use of others to get what they want. Third, i hate Singaporeans, mainly the guys but oh well. Left my Glad at 33.. no motivation to continued on. Practiced a few heroes in dota again. Later went on with Shi Jie to recreate our character. Grinded til 11. How long more of this lifeless life is going to last!?!? i'm super tired of life at home.. while i'm too tired and unmotivated to go out. i want my life back :O Jay Thursday, June 11, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Wooola! early birds get the early.. whatever. Was ain't an early morning, around 9 to 10 when i woke up. Like my previous life.. no thoughts, only to get online to grind. To only realize.. there's an server maintenance for Dragonica! oh, it's okay.. an update once awhile isn't that bad.. just don't take too long... that's what i thought, until i looked down at the timing. 9 am to 5 pm. Did i saw that right? nono, it's for eastern time right? .. sigh.. i'll just take it as a break from grinding. Nothing much to do a. Only option left, dota. did some test here and there.. until later i went for an afternoon nap. Woke up, 5. To yet only informed by my cuz.. that the maintainable got dragged til 8. Didn't really matter much.. Motivation to grind has lessen.. good or bad? :l Today? not so good... lazy as always.. Thinking too much ain't too good after all. Jay Wednesday, June 10, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Didn't have much sleep today... slept only for a few hours before playing Dragonica once again. Super tired... but still managed to hang on til night. Not a good day today... died a few times.. was too tired to concentrate.. yawns... well, at least i grinded til 32 ;) Since there's nothing much.. another issue of Idol Time. yet another series of Mi Hee featuring her in fashion sense ;) No matter what she wears she looks all the same.. beautiful, cute and innocent :) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Jay Tuesday, June 9, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Wahhooo! Yesterday once i reached the chalet.. watched Detroit Metal City together with DoM and Nick. Not long before the others returned from the pool. Soon after, we went to a Cheers to get food and beverages. Brought some noodles and alcohol along. Later we planned a night movie in our room. Watched both Final Destination 1 and 2.. it was a really nice show! blood, killing, more blood, death! While watching, drank some alcohol.. until 250ml that i started to get snobby.. first time i'm experiencing this feeling.. it's super song! feels like i weight a feather. Went to Mcdonalds with roommates 1/4 awake to get some supper back. after, it's entertainment time! There's.. mahjong monopoly movies psp sleep i took the option out of the box.. continued drinking... this time, it felt heavenly! i thought i was drunk and all.. but i didn't fell asleep.. in fact i watched DMC last sence while having noodles. Late night, most of the guys fell alseep.. while some of us stay awake.. later DoM and i went to get breakfast at Mcdonalds.. not long after breakfast.. we started to get bored and sleepy. In the end, we felt asleep.. while they get the bed.. i get half of the bed and the floor. First day of the stay was over! Second day.. all i remember now was xavier, DoM, Nick and i went to Safra.. the alcohol is giving a little of side effects now.. couldn't really remember what happen in the morning :p Follow Xavier all the way to Tampinese ITE because of the president talk.. while the three of us went to pool.. ok.. enough of it already... i'm starting to see myself as a failure.. i know i sucks at sports.. but every? skills are deteriorating every second.. was really disappointed in what i can achieve. let's not spoil it. While we were at Tampinese, the rest were at Wild Wild Wet swimming or looking at girls.. i wouldn't know, but if it's me... the second option is the way to go. BBQ~ didn't had much of it.. drank too much before the BBQ started.. and i was really snobby.. i don't know if it's drank.. but i felt really happy. In the end, i only had a bit of the leftovers after it's over. Yea... later we had another night movie in the room again. This time, it's a made by Singapore movie. Quite hilarious and all. After, all of them went to sleep.. i didn't wanted to get knockdown.. so i went for a walk around downtown and the mall.. it was really creepy walking alone in the darkness and all.. Soon, i decided i should head home now.. Went back to the room to take my stuffs and woke some of them up.. :( Back home.. ahh... home's the best after all. i mentioned home, not the people i'm living with. They are a totaly different thing. Had a bath.. later sat in the chair and was on for Dragonica at 4 am+ after a few rounds.. i couldn't stand it anymore.. went to sleep.. and that's much of it for my break.. it was fun and all, especially with the snobby feeling. Jay Monday, June 8, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Today another day of no life :o wake up. Dragonica easy as that. Rushed all the way up from 25 to 29 today. Although i'm doing the same process over again.. it doesn't gets too boring as fast as other games i played. This game might last me for a week or more. The only thing i have to complain is.. Gladiator class doesn't pawn til third job :( and it's hard to solo and boss. which means have to grind 11 more levels.. with peoples :( Great! now i officialy pause project "igotnolife" gonna take a break from Dragonica.. been at it for three days straight... now my eyes hurts a lot. Gonna cure it by finding some hot girls to look at :p So now i'm almost ready to depart for the chalet. Packed some clothes and well... clothes. Can't wait to see how this chalet event turns out! Might not post for a few days since i'm staying there. Might. Jay Sunday, June 7, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Woohooo! Dragonica! Woke up too early... since it's still so early.. play Dragonica for a bit... til night that is... lol! All three of us job advanced today.. weee~ first time advancing as a Gladiator! Now i'm always with my big bad sword :) ![]() Big bad Frecking Stein, Farrel! This guy has been giving me headaches for yesterday.. getting to him with server lag was a pain. ![]() but now.. he's easy after i killed him for the first time. ![]() Serenity with her big bad sword! For gaming life, this is what i have done for the whole day. Normal life.. eat.. eat.. eat.. sleep.. that's it :o Specking of life.. tomorrow there's gonna be a chalet session held up by my class.. looks like i'm gonna take a break from Dragonica for awhile.. or not! Jay Saturday, June 6, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." First thing i got out of bed to do to was.. to press the boot-up button in the desktop. Day 1 of project "igotnolife" commence. Was on for Dragonica for the whole day. had not much food to satisfy my hunger.. Server Kaye was the only server around and it's fun.. .. at first. Not til it starts to get over polluted and bang! lags occurred and players like me starts to get really frustrated.. was about to give up on the damn game when i failed lots and lots of the same attempt. Until i jumped to server Elga, recommended by my cus. Which open just this morning.. things were really smooth in here.. not much people here, that's actually good news! Sorry, i just hate some people in game and in life. There's this one that pisses me badly this morning. Sad that society is like that. i'm not really fond of Singapore either.. althought Singapore girls are really smexy and hot.. lots of i dunnoe wheres my manners people around. Same applies to idiots. Back to Dragonica.. i invited Shi Jie to join Elga instead of Kaye.. Then the three of us including my cus.. played for nearly the whole day.. it is for me. Woots! tomorrow there will be more action! Jay Friday, June 5, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Got woke up early in the morning.. called up by mother since today's the appointment. Yawn.. was having second thought of going.. got dragged there anyway. No wonder people say they hated the hospital.. i gradually know why now. Entrance... got to queued up to enter.. and they do supply us mask too. so troublesome nowadays so many virus going on. anyway, i couldn't be bothered to wear it.. so was my mother. sat down and waited and waited.. waited... and... waited... i nearly fell asleep... until i got frustrated with their mobility. i waited for 2 hours to see a doctor!? and the people after us get to see theirs before i do! How ridiculous can that get! After i finally got to see my doctor.. which isn't the previous one since she say she's busy. Collect medicine time.. MORE WAITING!?!?! ... ... i'm not gonna step into the hospital again for another 3 months! At home also tiring and boring. Only things i got to do was Dragonica what else? besides dota, blogging and listening to music over and over. i declared my self-project for 5 weeks! it's called project "igotnolife"! What i'm gonna do for this project is none other then... sit in the chair and stare at the screen pressing and clicking.. sounds fun, doesn't it? well.. it sure is... .. my eyes are tiring - - Jay Thursday, June 4, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Today's the big day! Presentation day. Brought both DoM and my design to school.. while wearing my baggy school... pants.. i swear i will never wear that pants again! When i'm in school.. all of my classmate commented that my hair won't get passed the lecturers. Then nic helped me to combed my hair behide my ears and took out my earring. i have to say i look pretty pretty :) While in the auditorium.. lots of people came in group by group.. Gwaaa~ so much people, it's very hard to present :( Well well, anyway.. when it's time, lecturers started to call out randomly be it class A or B. After a few rounds of presentation.. i was suddenly called out by them! oh my god! i haven't prepared what i wanted to say! ... Anyway.. when i'm in the stage... i didn't know what to say.. in the end, i uttered some things... which i don't remember.. and my score was.. sign... although it's a pass.. i'm still not satisfied with it. Bad presentation equals so-so score, i guess. Oh, i thought it's over when it's my turn.. because the section head was present at that moment.. i managed to pull it off somehow :) Later before break.. Ms Tracy told me that i could retained my hair til school opens! because she knew i was cosplaying or the truth, crossdressing. What an understanding teacher! Later rotted in the auditorium for hours... waiting for my friends to present.. they purposely have them for the last to prevent me from escaping :( Returned home at the evening.. nothing to do... Until... my cousin reminded me of Dragonica, which open beta starts today! Fufufu... luckily my closed beta client is still retained. Patched the whole thing for nearly an hour... yawns... After it's done.. i rushed all the way til midnight.. wow... i really have no life, do i? Today was not a satisfying day... weird feelings... just plain weird! Jay Wednesday, June 3, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Oh, today must go school to see Ms Tracy.. morning woke up.. coincidentally my mum is bring my sis to have checkup. So i have somebody to take the train with me to school. On the way there, i messaged Ms Tracy asking if she was at school.. got no reply. Continued on til i reach school. While in school, called Ms Tracy.. got no answer.. i decided to wait awhile more before calling. And the second time i called, there's still no answer.. ... .... i did make an wasted trip, didn't i? at last, before i headed home.. i made an final call... still no answer! Stomped home immediately. Bought Mcdonald breakfast home since i'm hungry. i'm always hungry... and very easily. Home.. nothing to do!!! for the sake of sake! played dota with myself til very late night... before DoM invited me for game.. but later connection lost and something happened along the way... thus leaving me to solo three heroes... But i did managed to win the game with owning kill stats and beau... uh uh, wait for it.... tiful items. Beautiful! Later received a text message from Tracy saying that she forgot to bring her cell to work today. Well, that explains a lot definitely. Got to see her by tomorrow then :) Today features another series of photo of Hwang Mi Hee! It's Idol Time!! This series includes a vast expression of Mi Hee! ![]() ![]() Awww, felt as if my heart is melting! ![]() Good, nice and sexy glare! ![]() :p ![]() <3 you too! ![]() Winks and kisses? I'M IN! :) Jay Tuesday, June 2, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Oh yeah! no school! it's time to party up with... myself... in my... computer.. chair.. So well, morning called. Watched something here something there.. Later tried to find solution to occupied me for the weeks. Since WoW is out of the question.. something similar came in mind.. Guild Wars... Mmm.. sounds promising.. Went to try it's free trail before deciding to get it. Didn't took long to download, update, files and everything. i got 10 hours of testing.. and off i venture into the lands of... ![]() First class that caught my eye was the Necromancer. Remember Diablo 2? Similar scenario, the Necro too. All the skills icon are pretty realistic and they do got nice artworks for it. Almost the same as Dota, but compared WoW with GW, which has more skills.. my guess would be WoW. This is a little complicated for a game.. man, i hate complicated stuffs... There are primary class and secondary class which means.. you could have two classes for your character! For me, i choose Monk as my secondary because thats commonly choosen by other Necro. Here are some screen. Oh, and the environment is beau... wait for it... tiful! Beautiful! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Just tonight.. after i managed to washed off most of the dye when i looked into the mirror... i discovered something... horrifying.. and it's really.. really.. horrid. ... My hair tails were trimmed unbalanced! NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! Instantly i spent a long time trying to balance it.. which is of course... impossible. Sign... maybe it's latest fashion... .... impossible... got to live with it :( Jay Monday, June 1, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Hooray! new month brings new adventure.. cept that it's an 5 weeks i can do nothing but die of boredom holiday. Oh yeah! exam day! Bring it on! Woke up earlier then usual to get prepare and everything. Reached school, first thing i was dragged to did.. was dying DoM and mine hair black. specking of which the dye hasn't came off yet.. and it's starting to get really irritating and discomfort.. even after washing with conditioner and shampoo. Last minute of studying a few points before going in to the venue. Did every procedure we were intrusted to before the test, exam, whatever begins. Oh, and it's an online exam, which consists of 30 multiple choice questions. Ok.. so.. question 1. Mmm, ok.. question 2.. .. okay. question 3.. not too shabby. question 4 and so on.. This is easy! i don't mean to brag, but this exam is below the test standard.. it's easier then that! there were less questions that i wouldn't know then the previous. The previous was.. is that french printed on it? like that. But i'm glad i studied yesterday, mainly all the things came out :) After exam, was called out by the... section head... What else? Hair long, earring and jeans. yea yea, i got the point. Cut hair by Wednesday, right? never mentioned to cut it "short" right? you got yourself a deal. i assumed that myself :) i already had my haircut as of now.. can't described as cut.. trim my layers and sides.. doesn't seem like it makes any difference. gradually it doesn't.. After school, we had lunch with DoM's cousin and himself at Mcdonald.. before heading to peace center instead of sunshine to print our designs. And that, we went to watch Night at the Museum 2 with Xavier and Nic at Cathay. Oh my, i didn't regret paying 6 bucks for it.. it was incredibly hilarious. it's been a long time since i watch movies with friends. Jay ImageMango of TTEHQ. Site content_layout © by Jay.