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Entries Monday, July 13, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Cosfest fun starts here and now! Morning, fool around with the computer for no reason.. then later received a call from DoM asking to go for Cosfest.. later he met up with me at my flat then we went to Downtown East to meet up with the rest of the group. This is the second time I'm going for cosplaying event.. and my first was.. an unpleasant one. But I thought I would enjoy myself this trip alone with my friends.. and so I did! I was very surprised at how much people attended the event! peoples are every where, no matter where you turn.. Pretty guys and ladies cosplaying. And there's three ladies cosplaying as Hatsune Miku! seeing them is just enough to make me crazy about her! Didn't take much photo myself but I gotten a few from friends.. [Photo to be uploaded soon] After viewing around, went to pool with friends.. although I only brought 6 bucks alone with me. Continue to Cosfeast to have more fun. At the end of the event, we have the best cosplayer to win an trip to Japan! and it's no other then Mr Armstrong from Full Metal Alchemist! surprisingly the sub character won but the main didn't. Congratulation to Alex aka Mr Armstrong for winning the Singapore Cosfest 2009! wow, a free trip to Japan.. drools in fantic.. Jay Saturday, July 11, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Prologue XCIIV Chained myself at home all day. There was this Cosfest event near where I'm staying.. but couldn't bother to went alone.. going to such events with friends is more worth while. Tired of keeping myself at home.. yet school days seems so.. bored.. tiring.. and I have never failed to get up early.. guess all those late night games are keeping me away from school. Jay Friday, July 10, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Prologue XCIV Out of five days in a week.. this is the third time I'm going to school.. yet it only last 30 minutes.. heaven is mocking me, eh? Went to Xavier's house to slack.. later went to City Hall shop around.. back and fourth.. City Hall to Bugis to get money from DoM's mum.. Since going home early to hear them nagging is not an solution.. went with DoM to his house to play WoW.. first time playing in WoW and Death Knight story was.. amazingly astonishing! Sign.. was getting a new computer ever so hard? Jay Thursday, July 9, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Prologue XCIII Skipped school today again! bored and tired.. went around the net and all around.. nothing's worth my time to do.. rot all day long.. how fun is it to spent my day in ruins.. Jay Wednesday, July 8, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Prologue XCII Skipped school.. try sleeping at 4 am and getting up at 6.. bored the hell outta me.. nothing interesting to do.. Couldn't be bother to lift an pencil to draw.. tired, tired, tired! the misery is not ending.. Later got confronted by a friend.. I got up much more better after sharing about my troubles.. a lot of the things we talked about made lots of sense.. so it's no point going depressed.. look forward.. and it'll all be alright.. Jay Tuesday, July 7, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Prologue XCI School sucks. School makes me rot. School is disgusting. School ended up in all these phrases.. went to Sunshine Plaza again.. look around and around and.. around. Got a ride to the station by DoM's mom.. and I have completely forgotten what I did once I'm at home.. Family sucks. Family forsaken me, not like i fucking care. Family despises me. the list could go on and on.. going home no longer has a reason.. only to take shelter like an.. hotel. Stayed up til 4 a.m watching Eagle Eye.. that was one bravo movie.. Eagle Eye! Jay Monday, July 6, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Prologue XC I'm surprised I actually got up and went to school! not til I got a call and told that the lesson only lasted seconds.. afternoon lesson was canceled too.. ah.. really wasted my perfect Monday.. Today's time was used on entertaining myself at Sunshine Plaza.. no Nightwish tells me I'm half dead.. other anime songs really couldn't get me in my dread statues.. Gah! at least today was better compared with how I rotten at home for 5 weeks. I'm looking forward to what's gonna happened tomorrow.. not. Jay Sunday, July 5, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Prologue LXXXIX Last day of holidays.. or is it? either way today's the last.. and I'm half way rotten since it started. Well, something unexpected happened virtually.. was messing about with my Necromancer hunting some gears.. when I decided to take a break.. practiced my rhyme instead of clicking. Well, got back on.. I got booted of battlenet by Blizzard for law 8.. using of third party program etc.. guess I got caught for map hacking.. doesn't really matters.. it's an day of hard work. Later I made an discovery.. found Akane Ni Somaru Saka ova on veoh while i was plainly searching for something to watch. Finally Yuuhi is back on the show again.. ever thoughts of her as always.. the ova is really... GREAT.. just they added slightly.. okay, i admit.. lots more of.. eechi and semi hentaish moments.. but who wouldn't like that? Yuuhi is as pretty as always! Jay Saturday, July 4, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Prologue LXXXVIII Everyday's boredom consuming me bits by bits.. besides practicing accuracy on Stepmania.. there's nothing practical else to do. Diablo II suddenly came into mind.. only if I'm really bored I would touch this old game.. always, have this happened.. It was wasn't that bad after all.. compared with Dragonica.. I did get my all time favorite Necromancer to Nightmare in just a day.. The real nightmare is just two days away.. Jay Friday, July 3, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Prologue LXXXVII Wow, today I had a really great time ever since I lost myself. Let's start by... I had an mid to late getup.. didn't felt like doing nothing.. watched something here and there. Guess what day today was? It's Xavier's Birthday! and today I haven't even said a "Happy Birthday" to him.. I will take this chance, and write it here.. "Happy Birthday to you, Xavier" You have been a great friend for these past months.. I would like to thanks fate for letting me meet you.. and other good friends among us this party today cheers me up a lot more then anyone could understand.. I maybe beginning to see the path that I once lost.. lit up once again.. All of you are such wonderful friends.. yet the path ahead is still dark.. Jay Thursday, July 2, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Prologue LXXXVI I knew I had nothing to do today. From morning til dawn, Century Child to Dark Passion Play.. these music are really getting into me. Here's something I personally came up with, yesterday night.. after going through some of the death and suicidal poetry on the net.. I have some spare time left and decided to write one of my own.. well, I re-edited a few phrases just this day Just a little warning, if you have something against suicidal acts.. then this is not the poetry for you. "Beautiful Last Goodbye" On that frozen winter night.. when I first met you under that light.. we gave each other our hearts as an parting gift.. so warm yet gracious.. As I dream of you every night.. the nightmares came and hunts me like an curse.. Every stillless night... the wounds would hurt as the thoughts wouldn't go away.. In bed, curls up in pain.. yet I'm still in love with you. While we crosses path on the street of the bane.. we left without a glimpse yet I knew my heart was trying to scream.. for I will cry myself to forget this night. The people I once care and love shrugged me.. for they dug my wounds deepen.. as I tried crawling back up.. How long will this grief carries me til? Now lock up all alone in my closet.. I only wish to love you once more.. all the memories gathered in my heart.. as I drew the blade closer.. The next we will meet.. will be an beautiful last goodbye.. Jay Wednesday, July 1, 2009 ![]() "Keep looking forward.." "All the merries and sadness.. " "Embrace them til death finds you." Prologue LXXXV Sigh, why do I always have weird dreams? last it was an train collision, now it was.. about ghosts. Is it a bad sign that I'm dreaming about all these? is my life gonna end any sooner? I certainly hope so. Well, hello to you, July. only the bell of the churches reminded me of you.. I hope you have lots of fun for me. Was SUPPOSED to go out today.. but they had their meeting schedule mixed up.. and no one told me about it until today.. decided not to go.. I have my little injuries to take precise care of. Did a mass construction on my little blog today.. surprise, surprise.. changes here and there to have it look darker. Now I have more Gothic songs to put my heart into.. just gotten lots and lots of Nightwish album to get into the mood. Oh my crap.. my school is gonna start next week.. and my homeroom teacher is after my hair. Let's look at the brighter side.. I may get to find new love before I die. Jay ImageMango of TTEHQ. Site content_layout © by Jay.